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SEI 2013 - 24 t/m 27 oktober

Geplaatst: 04-09-2013 09:21
door Alu
Information and enrolmentform:

Remember to register for the seidr event of the year before October the 8th!

Programm so far:

Arival 16.00 hours onwards
Opening ceremony 20.00 hours

Spirit of Place - Michiel de Nijs 9.30 - 12.00 hours
us about landwights, house wights, nixes and so on. These wights embody the soul of the place they belong to. They are what's behind the animation of those places and a force to be reckoned with.
If the weather allows it I'll take you outside. Outside to meet the landwights that reside there and connect to them and to the ideas and field they incorporate.
If we are going to work inside, housewights will be the focus of our attention. Central themes will be connecting to them, working with the atmosphere they create, how to feel at home in places.

Sacred Seidr Songs - Frigga Asraaf 13.45 - 15.15 hours
These days new sacred seidr songs are given to us by the spirits.Through singing we can reach out to the spirits and spirits can reach out to us and bring blessing, empowerment and healing. Songs to help us in our daily life.
Seidr singing or power singing is not about singing in tune, but to share your energy through your voice for yourself or for others.

Spá-ritual 20.00 hours
A ceremony inspired by the famous part of text from the Saga of Eirik the Red: a seeress will go into trance to answer questions for the gathered folk.

Nine Words - Christian Kordas 13.30 - 17.00 hours
Who does not know them, the often in legends and fairy tales mentioned mystic places like "Valhalla", "Mrs. Holles Garden" or, the cave worlds of the Svartalfar?
I would like to take you there. During this shorttrips to some of the Nine Worlds, I use practical exercises and sounds to awake subconscious archaic-collective memory, which is stored in your cells.

Saterday Evening Surprise Ritual 20.00 hours

Closing ceremony 11.00 hours

Geplaatst: 14-09-2013 23:43
door Daturae
Klinkt interessant, wat zijn de kosten?

BB, Daturae

Geplaatst: 16-09-2013 19:11
door Menno
Ik las op de site dat het hele weekend 155 euri kost. op zich niet zo heel veel voor een heel weekend. Ik weet niet of de overnachting erbij inbegrepen is. Als dat zo is dan kun je het zelfs goedkoop noemen.
Weet nog niet of ik ga, ik heb in die periode ook een paar andere dingen te doen.

